Monday, July 22, 2013

Rasheeda and Kirk Google+

 There has been a lot going on in love Hip and Hip Hop Atlanta....  

Tracy letting Drew sabotage new relationship's, Mimi giving Stevie J back the car he gave her, Erica pawning her engagement ring, Scrappy gave her, and Ariane sharing her desire to wake up in bed to another woman.

 None of the couples or cast member's take the cake like Kirk and how he's been treating Rasheeda during her pregnancy! Earlier in the show, Rasheeda told Kurt she was pregnant, which you'd think he would embrace,

but instead Kirk has been using Rasheeda  pregnancy  as a crutch to go off and fandango with random women.

 However despite Rasheeda's pregnacy, Rasheeda hasn't been playing any games or taken any crap from Kirk and neither has Shirleen, Rasheeda's mom. Shirleen not only recently expressed her disappointment in her son-in-law in a previous conversation 

but she also showed him and all of us, just how disappointed she was with him as, she ran over Kirk's bike with her car, causing it to catch fire! I guess, Ms.Shirleen felt like Kirk was playing with fire, therefore his bike got burnt! 


 Seeing Kirk's behavior towards Rasheeda during her pregnancy made me empathize with Rasheeda, but what Kirk actions displays is a sign to any woman( if the ring is not enough) that  tries to hit on Kirk or Kirk tries to pick up.... 

" If he'll treat his pregnant wife, as such. How do you think he'll eventually treat the next women?"


On that note I'll close, but not with out adding the comment picked from the "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Page,"  when you were asked to leave you're comment on last week show and +Tomeachia Russell comment was picked! 

She comments 

 "Kirk need to show more interested in his marriage. He is headed to a dead end road.Them popcorn hoes don't want nothing but a good time an a minute of fame. "Bragging rights to say they smashed" ....Kirk know better, he has been in this game too long not to know.Now Scrappy has baby momma drama, an momma drama. To top it off he has a weed problem, he need rehab from the weed an his momma.Erica an her crack head momma need to move on.Them two women are Messy.Traci need to kick Drew ass.Drew has broke up Traci relationship an his dumb ass don't even want her.But he did tell her she needs to let go of the past. Drew really hurt her.Traci need to put on her big girl panties an move on.She is not the only woman that man cheated on while pregnant. Move on.If she can't that means she is still in love with Drew an can't let go."

  Thank you for your comment +Tomeachia Russell

 As well as all the other "Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" Members Comments

You All Are Appreciated! Thank You!  

Until Next Time

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